Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Love knows magic and it can do wonders!

Why we need to love?

Love is a wonderful feeling and we always thrive for it as humans we all are social animals in the kingdom of life.

"I" as a person always wondered how love blooms and functions, my life taught me that love is not only something we get from outside but also something which comes from our inner self.

Love is simply the mixture of appreciation, compassion, care and acceptance! 

Self-love can make a person feel better with their self whether the person is all alone or surrounded by countless people it can always make the person feel fine with his own self. 

Why we need to love our self and how to do that!

Just imagine a situation, a person feel bad about his life, he lost nearly in everything, his love, his business, the job he was in.. everything seems out of control... it's totally a catastrophic moment of his life and he feels so down and feels failed! 

In a situation like this, what if a person comes there (might be his best friend) calling his name, sitting near, looking at the eyes, holding his hands and says in an empathic manner "Hey! I know you are broken but still, everything will change and sooner or later everything will definitely be okay!"

The words alone can definitely not going to make the catastrophic event to get cleared but it could help and give the broken person an option to look out for a change! 

That action of love can actually bring the scattered broken pieces of the person's confidence into a single place and by keeping them together he could walk on the path of healing.

In this scenario, the person who said the pleasing words is known as "self-love" if all the words come within the broken person.

Yes, all the support and love can bloom within yourself for you, if you are ready to practice self-love and if you really know the need and importance of it.

Because people are not available to everyone in every situation, we all have our own battle to deal with but no matter what you are the one who is always there with you.

You may think oh! so we are into self-love because we failed to get the love and attention from others.

No, it is not! self-love is something too personal! even though you are surrounded by 1000 positive people you could still feel the void if you are lacking in self-love and acceptance.

Self-love gives health in it's all variables - physical health, mental health and social health.

  • Physical health refers to sound bodily functions.
  • Mental health refers to the sound mind and thought process
  • Social health refers to the proper relationship with family, people and society.

We need to love our self because we are the one who can exactly know what our problems are, what our needs are, wants are and what is actually the solutions for our problems are..! 

But why we still never take the actions according to all of the above or why we are still waiting for the perfect moment to take actions even though we know what we are seeking for? 

Because it depends on the consciousness of our thoughts and actions. We can able to reach out to something we desire for if our actions and conscious are in the same plane, and I am here to help you with the techniques😊.

So let's see how to become a master in self- love😉

1. Taking care of your physical health

    Eating healthy foods, doing proper exercises, keeping your body and living place clean and hygiene, get rid of bad habits, not get addicted to anything and having a good sleep are the fractional forms of showing love to your body, so find out the mistakes you are doing with caring for your physical health and replace them with the suggested ideas to show the love with your health.

2. Practice acceptance

    We should know it is okay to not feel okay! because not all day is meant to feel for it's fullest and sometimes we face bad days but we should able to acknowledge it. " It is just ok to have some down days"It is natural but we should always know how to properly express our emotions because bottling up negative emotions are not a solution processing of such emotions without allowing them to erupt vigorously is the best practice.

Being true to yourself and your conscience, saying "NO" to anything which feels not good for you, trying to be a friend of yourself instead of being a judge for your all action is important.

We all are humans, we do mistakes so forgive yourself when you do mistakes, rather than punishing yourself. But you should learn from the mistake and take actions to correct it or to stop its recurrence.

Appreciating your blessings and accepting the flaws and working out to correct them is a form of self-love. Gratitude helps you to keep your mind feel better with what you have!

We should never feel ashamed of our own self - for our physical appearance, colour, voice tone are for our ability, because we all are born winners. Sometimes we may receive critics from others for these personal things but we should always know how to ignore all these negativity and to support our self by having the self-love and confidence.

3. Managing your actions

    Stay away from the toxic people, make good friends, have good hobbies, listen to music, have a walk, enjoy nature, read a good book, have a feast, try to find out what could be the purpose of yourself, try to evaluate the actions of your self by writing personal journals, focus on developing yourself. 

Reach out for help if you are not feeling better with what is happening around you because if you feel like you cannot support yourself you can always reach out for help from others and it is also an act of self-love.

Just know how to hug your soul when you need the most of it, it could be done by practicing the tool called "SELF-LOVE"

See you tomorrow!



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