Friday, October 23, 2020


Knowing what is wrong is way more important than knowing what is right!

    Unlearning is a process of discarding an idea, perception, taboos, myths or practices which is no longer suits or less beneficial than any other practices.

We as humans learn and create our own truth from our childhood, throughout our life by observing the details from the outer world. But we have to know that what we learned is not only the correct practice for doing a thing.

Our society evolves by a practice called "trial and error". As a community, we do things, evaluate its plus or minus and own a practice which is highly profitable to our society and for oneself.

But we all know that change is the only thing which remains unchanged from the day that the universe gets created.

So technically, we change, our practices need updates, and we need a review system to evaluate our practices and perceptions. 

It is not about opposing our traditional practices but we need to know the root causes of our traditional practices and all the actual reason behind following them and then only we can able to distinguish the relativity between the modern requirement and olden practices.

Knowing the intensity of any information is required because by knowing only we can able to use them to draft a perfect practice which suits for our real day to day life events.

Unlearning is required in all phases of life and the unlearning process take effects in our thoughts, actions, feelings, behaviours and in our perceptions about the world.

Our human mind always resists initially for a new change because it is uncomfortable for the brain to have a new belief than something which has been already settled there, fear for change is a normal emotion but we need to overcome it with our knowledge to win in the process of unlearning.

Why we need to unlearn?

  • Practicing a method which is outdated give less productivity than an update practice one.
  • The development opens varieties of possibility. Hence, we need different approaches for them (Different approaches leads to numerous possibilities of better outcome)
  • Unlearning malpractices helps to use the available resources properly (Time, human power etc..)
  • Unlearning create void space which could finally lead to filling up that space with proper practice.
  • To have a new set of effective and positive beliefs we need to unlearn the less effective beliefs and practices

How to unlearn, How to find out malpractices!

    To clean a dusty room you need to find out the room initially, likewise to unlearn malpractice you need to find it out first. 

A taboo or malpractice or a wrong perception which has been followed for years in the name of tradition is like a concrete pillar, we cannot break it down so easily. But breaking out the malpractices are very important for proper development in a promising pathway. We cannot break all those malpractices in one single day, it's a continuous process. It requires persistence, rigid mindset.

So how to find out malpractices? - All the wrong perceptions are totally or partially irrational so we need to analyse our practices to find out the glitch in it, knowledge, experience and science or the key elements for this action. By following the below-mentioned notes you could find it out at ease.

  •  Questioning a practice for its reliability, it's usefulness.
  •  Analysing the parts of the practice by past experiences.
  •  Searching for the practice's root cause and compare the cause with our today's lifestyle.
  •  Re-evaluating a practice with modern possibilities and finding out the most beneficial method.

So how to unlearn - Once you find out malpractices be ensured about resisting that practice. Initiate the new workable practices in day to day life, teach your surrounding about the effects of malpractices or misbeliefs and about the benefits of the new practices.

Let's discuss some of the old irrelevant practices or beliefs we owned for years to distinguish the effects of unlearning properly.

1.Beliefs about the fear of ghosts - So far there is no proven information regarding the existence of ghost. However, scientists have proofs regarding the sleep paralysis ( which feels like someone pressing upon us while sleeping), there are proofs available regarding the visual hallucinations ( Seeing something which is not there).  We are feared of darkness as our ancestors in olden period lived in open forest and that prolonged imprinted memory gives us goosebumps whenever we left out in a dark place, fear is basically called for help from our brain, so we need to unlearn the beliefs of about ghost.

2. Doing what you like is not a job - We all are taught that a job is something which requires hard work and it is tough. No, it is not! job is something which can earn you money, which can able to give satisfaction and self-development, it has nothing to do with the belief of 9 to 5 work in a workplace.  Actually, a job can be funnier, easier. We need to unlearn this belief to find the other possibilities about our so-called job perception, acting is the job for actors, dancing is the job for dancers, writing is the job for writers, selling is the job for sellers so think about which could suit you better because doing what you are interested can help you to find out your best.

3. Men usually don't cry or crying is not masculine - No, they do cry, we all are humans and apart from gender we all have emotions, Men do cry, crying is not an act of weakness and genderising the act is not good. We need to unlearn the belief that men don't feel sadness or crying is unacceptable.

4. Women are weak - Definitely not, women are stronger than we think, but the problem is with the society which suppresses them from showing their own strength out to the world. So try to unlearn this belief and allow your daughters to explore the world with their strength. We are grown enough to come out of the patriarchal practice and it is time unlearn that belief so try to build a society on the base of humanism where all could feel the equality.

5. Your assets decides your happiness - Not exactly, we are taught that having assets can give you happiness but actually having materialistic wealth is just something which might able to give you support but happiness is a choice we make with what we are having, a person who cannot able to count his blessings will never feel the happiness but someone who could able to cherish his belonging can always be happy about his blessings, we need to unlearn this belief to understand that happiness is something that we feel but not something we own.

So unlearn which is no longer working out to step in the path of wisdom!

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Knowing what is wrong is way more important than knowing what is right!      Unlearning is a process of discarding an idea, perception, tabo...