Friday, October 23, 2020


Knowing what is wrong is way more important than knowing what is right!

    Unlearning is a process of discarding an idea, perception, taboos, myths or practices which is no longer suits or less beneficial than any other practices.

We as humans learn and create our own truth from our childhood, throughout our life by observing the details from the outer world. But we have to know that what we learned is not only the correct practice for doing a thing.

Our society evolves by a practice called "trial and error". As a community, we do things, evaluate its plus or minus and own a practice which is highly profitable to our society and for oneself.

But we all know that change is the only thing which remains unchanged from the day that the universe gets created.

So technically, we change, our practices need updates, and we need a review system to evaluate our practices and perceptions. 

It is not about opposing our traditional practices but we need to know the root causes of our traditional practices and all the actual reason behind following them and then only we can able to distinguish the relativity between the modern requirement and olden practices.

Knowing the intensity of any information is required because by knowing only we can able to use them to draft a perfect practice which suits for our real day to day life events.

Unlearning is required in all phases of life and the unlearning process take effects in our thoughts, actions, feelings, behaviours and in our perceptions about the world.

Our human mind always resists initially for a new change because it is uncomfortable for the brain to have a new belief than something which has been already settled there, fear for change is a normal emotion but we need to overcome it with our knowledge to win in the process of unlearning.

Why we need to unlearn?

  • Practicing a method which is outdated give less productivity than an update practice one.
  • The development opens varieties of possibility. Hence, we need different approaches for them (Different approaches leads to numerous possibilities of better outcome)
  • Unlearning malpractices helps to use the available resources properly (Time, human power etc..)
  • Unlearning create void space which could finally lead to filling up that space with proper practice.
  • To have a new set of effective and positive beliefs we need to unlearn the less effective beliefs and practices

How to unlearn, How to find out malpractices!

    To clean a dusty room you need to find out the room initially, likewise to unlearn malpractice you need to find it out first. 

A taboo or malpractice or a wrong perception which has been followed for years in the name of tradition is like a concrete pillar, we cannot break it down so easily. But breaking out the malpractices are very important for proper development in a promising pathway. We cannot break all those malpractices in one single day, it's a continuous process. It requires persistence, rigid mindset.

So how to find out malpractices? - All the wrong perceptions are totally or partially irrational so we need to analyse our practices to find out the glitch in it, knowledge, experience and science or the key elements for this action. By following the below-mentioned notes you could find it out at ease.

  •  Questioning a practice for its reliability, it's usefulness.
  •  Analysing the parts of the practice by past experiences.
  •  Searching for the practice's root cause and compare the cause with our today's lifestyle.
  •  Re-evaluating a practice with modern possibilities and finding out the most beneficial method.

So how to unlearn - Once you find out malpractices be ensured about resisting that practice. Initiate the new workable practices in day to day life, teach your surrounding about the effects of malpractices or misbeliefs and about the benefits of the new practices.

Let's discuss some of the old irrelevant practices or beliefs we owned for years to distinguish the effects of unlearning properly.

1.Beliefs about the fear of ghosts - So far there is no proven information regarding the existence of ghost. However, scientists have proofs regarding the sleep paralysis ( which feels like someone pressing upon us while sleeping), there are proofs available regarding the visual hallucinations ( Seeing something which is not there).  We are feared of darkness as our ancestors in olden period lived in open forest and that prolonged imprinted memory gives us goosebumps whenever we left out in a dark place, fear is basically called for help from our brain, so we need to unlearn the beliefs of about ghost.

2. Doing what you like is not a job - We all are taught that a job is something which requires hard work and it is tough. No, it is not! job is something which can earn you money, which can able to give satisfaction and self-development, it has nothing to do with the belief of 9 to 5 work in a workplace.  Actually, a job can be funnier, easier. We need to unlearn this belief to find the other possibilities about our so-called job perception, acting is the job for actors, dancing is the job for dancers, writing is the job for writers, selling is the job for sellers so think about which could suit you better because doing what you are interested can help you to find out your best.

3. Men usually don't cry or crying is not masculine - No, they do cry, we all are humans and apart from gender we all have emotions, Men do cry, crying is not an act of weakness and genderising the act is not good. We need to unlearn the belief that men don't feel sadness or crying is unacceptable.

4. Women are weak - Definitely not, women are stronger than we think, but the problem is with the society which suppresses them from showing their own strength out to the world. So try to unlearn this belief and allow your daughters to explore the world with their strength. We are grown enough to come out of the patriarchal practice and it is time unlearn that belief so try to build a society on the base of humanism where all could feel the equality.

5. Your assets decides your happiness - Not exactly, we are taught that having assets can give you happiness but actually having materialistic wealth is just something which might able to give you support but happiness is a choice we make with what we are having, a person who cannot able to count his blessings will never feel the happiness but someone who could able to cherish his belonging can always be happy about his blessings, we need to unlearn this belief to understand that happiness is something that we feel but not something we own.

So unlearn which is no longer working out to step in the path of wisdom!

Thursday, October 22, 2020


Spread love and let it continue as a chain reaction!

A message from a friend...A warm hug from our parents.. funny playing with siblings... Cuddling your dog.. watering a sapling you planted in your garden...

All the above activities are totally pleasing to our soul because in each of the action we show love to others! And by showing our love we also receive the same from them and it is fabulous to feel ❤️

Why we should love others?!

We humans, developed in the road of evolution from nomads to society because we learned to work with others, and love is an invisible thread which united every single man/women into a concrete structure called family and it built our society.

We as humans always wanted to ensure our safety and development to increase the success rate of our survival in olden days and being in a group increased its possibility. In fact, the rule of being in packs is a vital action for every living thing in the world to have an increased survival rate at olden days and each of them required the likelihood of love to stay together.

Why we are discussing the survival and evolution of earthlings when our chosen topic is love? because without love and compassion being in a group is nearly impossible, and the survival rate was very low for someone who was alone at the stone age or other historic periods.

We built our world with "LOVE"

We basically tend to develop bonding with others when we start to be with them. Those bonds are something which runs the world. When you are willing to give hands to someone who falls, life will give you someone to hold your hand when you need it the most.

By showing love to one another we grow parallelly and that is why showing love is important!

How to show love others!

As we all know love will never get reduced when we show it to people instead it will increase when we share it.

Showing love to others is very important to have a pleasing environment, but one should be very careful with their actions while showing love because the emotion is too delicate.

Showing love is a great gesture but we should know our deeds and boundaries, as humans, we have different opinions and thought processes and by knowing our conscience we could help us to be better with the act of love.

Humans made judgements, those judgements help them to act properly with one another but no one can ensure that the judgement they made about people is 100% correct. But we don't need to do judging when we are willing to show love in a compassionate way. 

Here, I am going to list down the key elements of showing love to others

  • Ensure the comfortable level of one another.
  • Give values to their thought.
  • Listen to them instead of judging them.
  • Be an amicable person.
  • Give the space for them to express their thought.
  • Talk when there is a misunderstanding.
  • Showing love does not mean you can compromise with your self-respect so respect each other.
  • Ensure that your love is not annoying them because the moto is to build a friendly environment, not a compulsive relationship.
  • Give respect to each other's privacy because we all have our own secret.
  • Understand their life situations
  • Ensure to use each other's time effectively.

How to express love! 

Many of us have this question loving others is fine but how to express our love to others?

We can express our love in various ways...there is always a way to express emotions when you are true to that, here are some of the ways 👇

  • By having a pleasing tone of voice while talking.
  • Throwing a gentle smile at them.
  • Listening to their problems attentively
  • Giving surprise gifts to cherish memorable moments.
  • Make a call or message when you have thought about them.
  • Write letters to them.
  • Appreciate when they do something good or achieving
  • Show support when they feel down
  • Care about their well being
  • Be free enough to express your thoughts to them
Showing love to others is an innate feeling so never stop it.. and always spread love not hatred😉


See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Love knows magic and it can do wonders!

Why we need to love?

Love is a wonderful feeling and we always thrive for it as humans we all are social animals in the kingdom of life.

"I" as a person always wondered how love blooms and functions, my life taught me that love is not only something we get from outside but also something which comes from our inner self.

Love is simply the mixture of appreciation, compassion, care and acceptance! 

Self-love can make a person feel better with their self whether the person is all alone or surrounded by countless people it can always make the person feel fine with his own self. 

Why we need to love our self and how to do that!

Just imagine a situation, a person feel bad about his life, he lost nearly in everything, his love, his business, the job he was in.. everything seems out of control... it's totally a catastrophic moment of his life and he feels so down and feels failed! 

In a situation like this, what if a person comes there (might be his best friend) calling his name, sitting near, looking at the eyes, holding his hands and says in an empathic manner "Hey! I know you are broken but still, everything will change and sooner or later everything will definitely be okay!"

The words alone can definitely not going to make the catastrophic event to get cleared but it could help and give the broken person an option to look out for a change! 

That action of love can actually bring the scattered broken pieces of the person's confidence into a single place and by keeping them together he could walk on the path of healing.

In this scenario, the person who said the pleasing words is known as "self-love" if all the words come within the broken person.

Yes, all the support and love can bloom within yourself for you, if you are ready to practice self-love and if you really know the need and importance of it.

Because people are not available to everyone in every situation, we all have our own battle to deal with but no matter what you are the one who is always there with you.

You may think oh! so we are into self-love because we failed to get the love and attention from others.

No, it is not! self-love is something too personal! even though you are surrounded by 1000 positive people you could still feel the void if you are lacking in self-love and acceptance.

Self-love gives health in it's all variables - physical health, mental health and social health.

  • Physical health refers to sound bodily functions.
  • Mental health refers to the sound mind and thought process
  • Social health refers to the proper relationship with family, people and society.

We need to love our self because we are the one who can exactly know what our problems are, what our needs are, wants are and what is actually the solutions for our problems are..! 

But why we still never take the actions according to all of the above or why we are still waiting for the perfect moment to take actions even though we know what we are seeking for? 

Because it depends on the consciousness of our thoughts and actions. We can able to reach out to something we desire for if our actions and conscious are in the same plane, and I am here to help you with the techniques😊.

So let's see how to become a master in self- love😉

1. Taking care of your physical health

    Eating healthy foods, doing proper exercises, keeping your body and living place clean and hygiene, get rid of bad habits, not get addicted to anything and having a good sleep are the fractional forms of showing love to your body, so find out the mistakes you are doing with caring for your physical health and replace them with the suggested ideas to show the love with your health.

2. Practice acceptance

    We should know it is okay to not feel okay! because not all day is meant to feel for it's fullest and sometimes we face bad days but we should able to acknowledge it. " It is just ok to have some down days"It is natural but we should always know how to properly express our emotions because bottling up negative emotions are not a solution processing of such emotions without allowing them to erupt vigorously is the best practice.

Being true to yourself and your conscience, saying "NO" to anything which feels not good for you, trying to be a friend of yourself instead of being a judge for your all action is important.

We all are humans, we do mistakes so forgive yourself when you do mistakes, rather than punishing yourself. But you should learn from the mistake and take actions to correct it or to stop its recurrence.

Appreciating your blessings and accepting the flaws and working out to correct them is a form of self-love. Gratitude helps you to keep your mind feel better with what you have!

We should never feel ashamed of our own self - for our physical appearance, colour, voice tone are for our ability, because we all are born winners. Sometimes we may receive critics from others for these personal things but we should always know how to ignore all these negativity and to support our self by having the self-love and confidence.

3. Managing your actions

    Stay away from the toxic people, make good friends, have good hobbies, listen to music, have a walk, enjoy nature, read a good book, have a feast, try to find out what could be the purpose of yourself, try to evaluate the actions of your self by writing personal journals, focus on developing yourself. 

Reach out for help if you are not feeling better with what is happening around you because if you feel like you cannot support yourself you can always reach out for help from others and it is also an act of self-love.

Just know how to hug your soul when you need the most of it, it could be done by practicing the tool called "SELF-LOVE"

See you tomorrow!

Monday, October 19, 2020


 Acceptance is the key to peace!

As humans, we face multiple situations each day which has effects in our life.

We experience the benefits and consequences of the choices we usually made.

But sometimes we feel like it is difficult to accept the undesirable consequences.

Have you ever wondered! why we basically enjoy it when there is a happy moment but don't like it when something is not happening in the way we planned? 

It is because we fond of the positive outcome of any situation but not understanding the duality of life.

We need to know that when there is plus it also has the minus in it, what we choose to feel is what makes our life.

Success is always great to feel, but we need to understand that failure is also an element of life. But as I said suffering or happiness is simply our own choice to make!

You could ask me, how I could control my emotions which receives the influences from the outer world basically.

What I am saying for that is... you have to accept your self totally to control your emotional outbreaks and by controlling yourself you can able to handle the outside influence in the way you feel better.

Acceptance is not about enjoying the dinner but also understanding and owning the responsibility that we need to clean the mess we have created!

It is an act of understanding the double side of a single coin.

It is not about worrying all over the dinner about cleaning but it is in the effort we make after enjoying the whole dinner for cleaning so that we can have another dinner the next day. By this way, we can enjoy and also lessens the worrying emotions we have within our self.

Sometimes, the person we truly in love with might not feel the same way.. which is hard for us to understand the reality and basically we drown in the pool of grief. 

Here comes the saviour "ACCEPTANCE" if you are ready to accept the fact that, it is not necessary for others to feel the same way you feel, you could able to come out of the grief pool quicker than people who never accept the facts and keep on resisting it.

By knowing the facts and allowing yourself to feel it totally, helps yourself to understand the reality of a situation and helps you to stop daydreaming or dwelling in a fantasy world.

Acceptance is not a single moment action but it is an active process and we need to practice it day by day to use it effectively.

Usage of this mental tool enables ourselves to see and experience the world with ease.

People, situations, Ideas and our perceptions change frequently because we all learning and we all are developing, by accepting it we can understand the versatility of life and can always keep our heart in the hands of peace angel 👼

So keep your mind open to understand the reality and have the control of making action in your hand and always hold the hands of  "ACCEPTANCE" to have a happy life.

We might feel better when we have only happiness in life but we become complete when we understand that accepting the sadness is also a part of life.

By accepting the reality, stop wasting our energy in daydreaming and by conserving our energy by not resisting to undesirable changes we can unleash the real power of ourselves to experience the enormous possible outcome of life.

Because life is short to waste and we have the universe full of wonders to experience...


See you tomorrow!

Sunday, October 18, 2020


We all are kids!

It might seem a bit tricky but the truth is we all are basically kids by heart.

Our brain always wants to remain happy and enthusiastic which is merely the kid's characteristics and that is why I said we are kids!

By the way, we grow and proceed with life in the way how life leads us. Numerous factors have a role in affecting our life events and designing our future.

They could be people we love, we know, we get inspired by, our life events, the knowledge we have and our perception on viewing a matter but on the whole, the purpose of life is simply about the amount of happiness and peace we have in our heart.

To be happy and to have a life we are interested in requires your inner kid and require your adult self to take care of it. 

Life happens! sometimes undesirable and not so fruitful moments will be there in life! but we are the owners of our life who could control our mind with our life events.

For that, we need some tools, not like a metal tool but some mental tools 😉.

They are

  • > LOVE
Let's talk through those all variables in a simple way on a daily basis so together we can unleash a happy kid from ourself! 

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


மனித வாà®´்வு.. 💬

பல எதிà®°்பாà®°்ப்புகள் ஆசைகள் கனவுகள் என எண்ணற்à®± உணர்வுகளை கையாண்டு கொண்டு மனிதன் பிறப்பில் துவங்கி இறப்பு வரை பயணிக்குà®®் à®’à®°ு பயண நேà®°à®®்..

மனிதன் பிறக்குà®®் பொà®´ுது தோன்à®±ுà®®் எதிà®°்பாà®°்ப்புகளுà®®் இன்பமுà®®் அந்த உயிà®°் வாà®´ுà®®் குடுà®®்பத்திலே துவங்குà®®்.

உலகில் வந்த உயிà®°ின்  à®®ுதல் சுவாசம் அந்த உயிà®°ின் à®®ுதல் வெà®±்à®±ி.

தவழ துவங்கி நடை பயின்à®±ு உணவு உண்ண மறுத்து அதற்காக à®…à®´ுது விளையாடி கழித்து இன்பமாய் உறங்கி .. இரு வயது வரை அது சொà®°்கம் போல இருக்குà®®். 

மழலை à®®ொà®´ி கற்à®±ு மனதின் à®®ொà®´ியை வெளிப்படுத்துà®®் அந்த ஓசை சிலை போன்à®± மனிதரையுà®®் ரசித்து மகிà®´ செய்யுà®®். 

வயது அதிகரித்து பள்ளியில் சேà®°்க்க மழலையின் à®®ுதல் நாள் à®®ிரட்சியோடுà®®் பிà®± நாட்கள் எப்பொà®´ுது வீடு செல்வோà®®் என்à®± எண்ணத்தோடுà®®் நடந்து செல்லுà®®்.

வளர வளர நிà®±ைய தெளிவுகள் ..

தாயிடம் அன்பு தந்தையிடம் பாதுகாப்பு குடுà®®்பத்துடன் மகிà®´்ச்சி உடன் பிறப்புகளுடன், நண்பர்களுடன், ஆசிரயரிடம்,  à®…à®±ிந்தோà®°் தெà®°ிந்தோà®°ிடம் என்à®±ு அந்த உயிà®°் வாà®´்க்கை பாடம் பயிலுà®®்.

உலகம் அதன் கண் à®®ுன்னே வைக்குà®®் ஒவ்வொà®°ு பொà®°ுளின் பின்புலம் à®…à®±ிய ஆர்வம் கொள்ளுà®®்.. 

அதன் உள்ளே தோன்à®±ுà®®் எண்ணங்கள் அதன் பாதையை தேà®°்ந்தெடுக்க உள்ளே ஓர் நினைவு சேà®°்க்குà®®்..

பள்ளி காலம் எல்லா மனிதனுக்குà®®் பல நீà®™்கா நினைவுகள் பதித்து தருà®®்.. நட்பின் மகிà®´்ச்சி à®…à®±ிய à®…à®±ிவின் à®®ுதிà®°்ச்சி  உலகை à®®ுà®´ுதாய் à®…à®±ிய என்à®±ு தவழ்ந்த உயிà®°் உலகில் நடைபோட்டு உலகநடை à®…à®±ியுà®®் நேà®°à®®் அது...

à®®ுà®´ுதாய் புà®°ியாமல் à®®ுக்கால் வாசி உலகநடை தெà®°ிந்திடுà®®்..

பள்ளி à®®ுடிந்து கல்லூà®°ி செல்லுà®®் போது... சுய சுதந்திà®°à®®் கொஞ்சம் அதிகமாய் கிடைக்குà®®் காலம் இது. வளர்ந்த பிள்ளை என வீட்டிலுà®®் à®’à®°ு எண்ணம் தோன்à®±ுà®®்.. வாà®´்வை பயிலட்டுà®®் என்à®±ு விட்டு பாà®°்ப்பர்.

ஆனால் à®®ுக்கியமான பல குழப்பங்கள் தோன்à®±ுà®®் காலமே இது தான்.

சில உணர்வுகள் சொல்லிலடங்காது அதில் à®®ுதல் வரி காதல்.. குழப்பத்தின் உச்சத்தில் வாà®´்வின் எதிà®°்காலம் இருக்க வயதின் à®®ாà®±்றம் à®®ுà®´ுநடை போட்டு à®…à®™்கே தான் à®…à®´ைத்து செல்லுà®®்..

தெளிவான சிந்தனை கொண்ட மனிதர்கள் வாà®´்வின் à®®ுக்கியத்துவம் உணர்ந்து நடப்பர். ஆனால் வாà®´்வில் தவிà®°்க்க à®®ுடியாத நிகழ்வாய் இது தோன்à®±ிடுà®®். சிலருக்கு à®®ாà®±ாத மகிà®´்வாய் பலருக்கு ஆறாத ரணமாய்..

கல்லூà®°ி வாà®´்வில் கவலைகள் கம்à®®ி..  அதிக பட்ச துன்பமே à®…à®™்கே தேà®°்வு குà®±ித்து தான்..  நமக்கான நண்பர்கள் பட்டாளம் அதிகமாய் à®…à®™்கே இருக்க வாà®´்வில் வண்ணங்கள் சேà®°்க்க தான் எண்ணம் தோன்à®±ுà®®் நினைவுகளால் .. 

பல்வேà®±ு சூà®´்நிலைகளை கடந்து உண்à®®ையாக வாà®´்வை உணருà®®் à®®ுதல் படியே கல்லூà®°ி வாà®´்வு கடந்து வேலை தேடுà®®் அந்த தேடல் தான்.

"நான் லாà®®் காலேஜ் ல à®®ாஸ் டா" என்à®±ு இருந்த பலர் வேலை தேடி வேகுà®®் போது காலேஜ் லேயே à®’à®´ுà®™்கா படிச்சிà®°ுக்கலாà®®் னு நினைக்க வைக்குà®®் சக்தி உண்டு இந்த நிலைக்கு.. 

பிடித்த வேலை கிடைத்த மகிà®´்ச்சி சிலருக்கு பிடிக்காத வேலையில் சிக்கி கொள்ளுà®®் நிலை பலருக்கு.. 

வாà®´்க்கைல பல விஷயங்கள் எவ்வளவு à®®ுக்கியம் என்à®±ு à®®ுà®´ுதாய் பயில நிலை இதுதான் ஆனால் அதற்கு à®®ுன்னே பல நல்ல வாய்ப்புகள் தவறி போயிà®°ுக்குà®®்.

ஆனால் அதிலுà®®் à®’à®°ு சில மனிதர்கள் உழைப்பு, வாய்ப்பை பயன்படுத்தி கொள்ளுதல், புது சிந்தனை என்à®±ு இழக்க இருந்த வாà®´்வை  விடா à®®ுயற்சியில் வேà®±ு பாதையில் à®®ாà®±்à®±ி போடுவாà®°்..

உண்à®®ையில் மனித வாà®´்வு வெà®±்à®±ியில் கலந்த தோல்வியால் நிà®±ைந்தது.. அது பல்வேà®±ு துன்பங்களால் தொடுக்க பட்ட à®…ழகான இன்ப à®®ாலை..

அதனை எந்த பாதையில் அந்த உயிà®°் பயணிக்க பணி  à®šெய்கிறதோ அதுவே.. அந்த உயிà®°ின் வாà®´்வாகி à®®ுடிகிறது...👀

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

பொà®™்கல் திà®°ுநாள்

பொà®™்கல் திà®°ுநாள் ..

தமிà®´à®°் திà®°ுநாளாà®®் தை பொà®™்கல் ஜாதி இனம் மதம் போன்à®± பல வேà®±ுபாடுகளை கடந்து உலகில் உள்ள அனைத்து தமிà®´் பெà®°ுமக்களால் மகிà®´்வாக கொண்டாட படுகின்றது. 

தை à®®ாத பிறப்பின் à®®ுதல் நாள் தை பொà®™்கல் என்à®±ு à®…à®´ைக்கப்படுகின்றது இது விவசாயத்தின் செயல்பாட்டில் à®®ுதலிடம் வகித்து உதவுà®®் சூà®°ியனை நினைவு கூà®°்ந்து சூà®°ியன் உதயமாகுà®®் காலை பொà®´ுதில் மஞ்சள்,கருà®®்பு என பல  மங்கள பொà®°ுட்கள் இடம் பெà®± பொà®™்கலோ பொà®™்கல் என பொà®™்குà®®் இனிய பால் பொà®™்கலோடு வாà®´்வுà®®் வளமுà®®் விவசாயமுà®®் பொà®™்கி வளர  வேண்டுà®®் என இறைவனை வேண்டி விà®°ுந்து படைத்தது புத்தாடை அணிந்திட   குடுà®®்பத்துடன் கொண்டாட படுà®®் திà®°ுநாள். பொà®™்கலோ பொà®™்கல் எனுà®®் வாà®°்த்தை கேட்பதே அதன் தனி ஆனந்தம் தருà®®்.

தை à®®ாதத்தின் இரண்டாà®®் நாள் உழவிà®±்குà®®் உழவனிà®±்குà®®் உழைத்து உதவுà®®் à®®ாடுகளுக்கு நன்à®±ி செலுத்துà®®் விதத்தில் கொண்டாட படுà®®் திà®°ுநாள் அன்à®±ு à®®ாடுகளை அலங்காà®°à®®் செய்து அவற்à®±ிà®±்கு நன்à®±ி செலுத்துà®®் விதமாக பொà®™்கலிட்டு படைத்தது அவற்à®±ிக்கு அளித்து தமது நன்à®±ியையுà®®் அன்பையுà®®் தெà®°ிவிப்பர். இந்நாளில் ஜல்லிக்கட்டு, à®°ேக்ளா பந்தயம் போன்à®± à®®ாடுகளை à®®ையப்படுத்தி வீà®°à®®் சிந்துà®®் விளையாட்டுகளை நடத்துவது வழக்கம். பல நாள் உழைத்து களைத்த à®®ாடுகளை à®’à®°ுநாளில் அழகு செய்து ஊர் தெà®°ுக்களில் உலவிட செய்யுà®®் பொது அதன் அழகிய கொà®®்புகளுà®®் நிà®®ிà®°்ந்த திà®®ில்களுà®®் தனி இன்பம் தமிà®´à®°்கள் தங்களின் à®®ாடுகளை குடுà®®்பத்தில் à®’à®°ுவராகவே பாவிப்பதை இயல்புடையவர்கள் அதனை à®®ாட்டுப்பொà®™்கல் அன்à®±ு இன்னுà®®் அழகாய் வெளிப்படுத்துவது இந்நாளின் தனி சிறப்பு.

காணுà®®் பொà®™்கல் தை à®®ாதத்தின் à®®ூன்à®±ாà®®் நாள் இந்நாளில் இறைவனை தொà®´ுது பெà®°ியோà®°்களிடம் ஆசி பெà®±்à®±ு அதனோடு  அவர்கள் அன்போடு அளிக்குà®®் பரிசுà®®் பெà®±்à®±ு மகிà®´்வர் இந்நாளில் பல வெளி  இடங்களுக்கு உற்à®±ாà®°ின் வீடுகளுக்கு  சென்à®±ு மகிà®´்ந்து கொண்டாடி சிறப்பிப்பர். இந்நாளில் பல வகையான விளையாட்டுகளுà®®் விளையாடி இன்பம் சேà®°்ப்பர். ஒவ்வொà®°ு தமிழனின் மன உணர்வில் நீà®™்கா இடம் கொண்ட பொà®™்கல் திà®°ுநாள் இன்à®±ு கடல் கடந்து வாà®´ுà®®் தமிà®´à®°்களால் பல நாடுகளில் மகிà®´்வாய் கொண்டாட படுக்கின்றது.

சிறப்பான இந்நாளில் அன்பை பகிà®°்வோà®®்  இன்பத்தை  à®ªà®°à®ª்புவோà®®் அனைவர்க்குà®®் இனிய பொà®™்கல் நல்வாà®´்த்துக்கள்.


Knowing what is wrong is way more important than knowing what is right!      Unlearning is a process of discarding an idea, perception, tabo...